Giving employees the tools they need to up-skill on the job

Client: Marriott 

User research
UX strategy
UX/UI design


Marriott employs more than 174,000 people across 6,900 hotels in over 130 different counties. For these employees, being able to train up on the job is a key part of their personal development and fundamental to their career progression. But, understanding and navigating the right courses and mentoring required for the right roles at the right time can be a complex and confusing affair. I worked as lead designer as part of an agile team at cxpartners to explore the problems these employees face and explore a variety of potential solutions.

Defining the service

We brainstormed and mapped many concepts to create a set of experience storyboards that would communicate our vision for the new service. This was crucial for getting management buy-in early on from the various stakeholders within the organisation as well as testing our concepts with end users and getting feedback as quickly as possible.

Testing and refining

Once we’d established our core service model we moved quickly into rapid prototyping. Again, these early concepts were tested with end users repeatedly and went through many variations and cycles of revision. We realised early on that way-finding, guidance and clarity of information were fundamental to the experience. We also used these insights to develop as set of design principles that would help inform further design decisions.

Bridging the gap

We found that there was a huge knowledge gap in the pathways employees could take to various roles within the organisation as well as the skill sets and training they needed to get there. We designed solutions that would help employees gain this wider knowledge and set a clear target for their development.

A learning playlist

Alongside this career visioning, we devised a personal insight and training system that allowed users to assess their own skills, spot gaps in their training and self manage their own upskilling on the job. We also worked to devise new models of training that would work around employees day to day life, offering bit sized learning at times that suited them.

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