Helping a startup better understand their customers

Client: Wriggle

User research
Workshop planning
UX strategy


Wriggle is a food and drink discovery app that offers short term deals to customers to help restaurant owners increase sales at quieter times. I worked on a series of projects to better understand their core audience and help strategise the overall user experience for the platform. Below is one of the discovery projects I designed and ran to help us understand who our customer base really was and how we might meet their needs.

Initial research

Quantitative and qualitative research was conducted with a broad cross section of the Wriggle user base across 3 different cities to better understand their usage of the platform as well as their general attitudes towards eating out. This research was collated and then analysed during a collaborative workshop to allow the wider team to draw key insights from the data.

Building personas

These insights were then used to form the basis of a set of user personas created during a collaborative brainstorming session with the entire team. This approach helped create a shared understanding within the organisation about who our audience was, based on real world observation.

Mapping the experience

Alongside this I also ran a series of exercises that allowed me to map the end to end service experience that users take through the platform. This helped me to collectively gain a bird’s eye view of the platform and helped me to begin spotting the pain points and missing links between the user needs and the service offering.

Ideating & scoping

This overall vision of the service and it’s users allowed us as a team to begin spotting the flaws in the current system and where we should focus our efforts. We worked together to solve these problems via rapid ideation sessions and collaboratively ranking the ideas generated for their effectiveness and feasibility.

Developing our concepts

The ideas generated went on to be prototyped and validated through user testing with end users to develop them into working concepts that would become part of the products roadmap for development. You can read more about some of these projects here.

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